Kinshasa: JED protests against the unproven accusations of the Public Prosecutor who requested 20 years in prison against journalist Stannis Bujakera

March 11, 2024

Arrested since September 8, 2023, Stanis Bujakera, publication director of the online newspaper  « Actualité » has spent 6 months in detention at the central prison of Kinshasa, commonly known as « Makala Prison »

During the investigation of his case, all requests for his provisional release submitted by his lawyers were systematically rejected by the High Court of Gombe which received, on Friday March 8, 2024, the indictments of the Prosecutor Serge Bashonga who requested 20 years of penal servitude against Bujakera for « counterfeiting, forgery, use of forgery, and propagation of false rumors »

During this last hearing at Makala prison, one of the determining points for the outcome of this trial was the submission of the Report of the Expert appointed by the Court, which demonstrates that it is impossible to determine that Stanis Bujakera is the first issuer of the document attributed to the ANR (National information Agency), which attributed the death of the opposition MP, Chérubin Okende, to military information. This Report contradicts the one the Prosecutor’s Expert based his accusations.

Also called to speak at the bar, journalist Stanis Bujakera once again asked the Prosecutor to provide proof of his accusations.

JED supports that request and protests against those serious accusations without evidence. As this unjust trial approaches to its conclusion, JED expects the judges of the High Court of Gombe to make a final burst of honor and independence by ordering the pure and simple acquittal of Stanis Bujakera.

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