JED regrets the unjust sentence of Stanis Bujakera to 6 months in prison

March 19, 2024 After 6 months of trial, the Gombe High Court made public, this Monday, March 18 in the evening, its verdict in the case between the Public Prosecutor  and journalist Stanis Bujakera. The correspondent of Jeune Afrique and deputy publishing director of the online media « Actualité » is sentenced to 6 months in prison and the payment of a fine of 1 million Congolese francs (400 US dollars). The judges declared all six offenses against  Stanis  Bujakera established, in particular, the fabrication of false documents, the falsification of official…

Kinshasa: JED protests against the unproven accusations of the Public Prosecutor who requested 20 years in prison against journalist Stannis Bujakera

March 11, 2024 Arrested since September 8, 2023, Stanis Bujakera, publication director of the online newspaper  « Actualité » has spent 6 months in detention at the central prison of Kinshasa, commonly known as « Makala Prison » During the investigation of his case, all requests for his provisional release submitted by his lawyers were systematically rejected by the High Court of Gombe which received, on Friday March 8, 2024, the indictments of the Prosecutor Serge Bashonga who requested 20 years of penal servitude against Bujakera for « counterfeiting, forgery, use of forgery, and propagation…

Equateur: Provincial governor accused of physical assault on Director of National Radio and Television (RTNC)

February 6, 2024 On the video images received by JED and widespread on social medias, we can see the provincial director of national radio and television, in Mbandaka in the Province of Equateur, Mimi Etaka, sitting on the ground, showing off her torn clothes and his overturned office furniture which bears witness to the violence of the attack. She accuses the provincial governor, Bobo Boloko Bolumbu, of having burst into her office and ordering her bodyguard to beat her for refusing to broadcast orders signed by the governor, which is…